Category: Education
Internationalization of Education in Pyhäjoki
The integration process of international and intercultural dimensions in teaching and learning is seen important in Pyhäjoki which is gradually becoming more and more international because of the current changes in society facing globalisation. The internationalization of education does not only refer to the sensitivity of the relations between different nations and cultures but is related to the diversity of cultures that exist within countries, cities and towns, companies and institutions.
Internationalization in early childhood and school education implies a significant change that is accepted by students and their parents who see it as a way of enrichment. The integration process involves the implementation of international and intercultural dimensions into existing policies and programs in early childhood and all school education offered in Pyhäjoki. The education board and school principals are responsible for the support for students, teaching and non-teaching staff involved in the internationalization of education.
One of the objectives of internationalization of education in Pyhäjoki is to provide people moving to the area with opportunities to function as equal members of Finnish society and guarantee them the same child care and educational opportunities as other people living in the area. Young immigrants of compulsory school age residing in Finland have the right to the same basic education as Finns and the objective is to ensure that also upper secondary studies needed will be organized. Immigrants are also encouraged to maintain their own mother tongue and cultural identity.
With Erasmus+ and other educational programs, there are opportunities for students and teachers from around the world to visit our day-care centers and schools, learn and teach or observe teaching in any school and day-care center in Pyhäjoki. These opportunities are available not only to students and staff working in the education sector but also to individuals working outside the sector invited to share their knowledge and experience.
Monikulttuurinen kohtaaminen ja vuorovaikutus 2020-2021
Pyhäjoen kunta on kansainvälistymässä elinkeinoelämän muutosten takia. Vieraskielisten perheiden muutto kuntaan on alkanut, mikä luo edellytyksiä kotikansainvälisyyden monipuolistamiselle ja kansainvälisyystaitojen kehittämiselle. Haasteita on kuitenkin ilmaantunut kuntaan muuttajien suhteen erityisesti silloin, kun lapset eivät osallistu varhaiskasvatukseen. Tämä saattaa hidastaa perheiden assimiloitumista kuntaan ja asettaa haasteita lapsen tulevalle opintopolulle. Meneillään olevan valtion tukeman kansainvälisyyshankkeen aikana on tehty Read More …

Local curricula for instruction preparing immigrants for basic and upper secondary education
Instruction for pupils of immigrant backgrounds whose Finnish language skills and/or other abilities are not sufficient to study in a pre-primary, basic or upper secondary education groups is also possible in Pyhäjoki through individual syllabi based on the national curricula. The objective is to support the pupils’ balanced development and integration into Finnish society and Read More …

Pre-primary education
Pre-primary education as part of the Early Childhood Education and Care is the systematic education and instruction provided in the year preceding the start of compulsory education. Pre-primary education in Pyhäjoki is organised in day-care centres and schools and it lays emphasis on the preparation for school following the local curriculum based on the national Read More …